Eligibility criteria
For an application to be assessed for grant funding by Council, the application must comply with the following criteria:
1. The grant application:
a) must be complete and include all required supporting documentation;
b) must be received within the grant application period, late applications will not be considered;
d) must be submitted by an authorised person of the organisation or entity and provide evidence of that authorisation; and
e) must not be for an activity that has a start date which occurred prior to the grant round or that has already taken place.
f) must not be for an activity which leads to a conflict with council's legislative obligations, including competitive neutrality (, and must not expose council to any unreasonable financial, legal, reputational or other risks.
2. The activity must be undertaken within the Clarence municipality or demonstrate that it will benefit the City of Clarence.
3. The Applicant must not submit more than one application across council's available grant rounds.
4. The Applicant must be an eligible entity for the given grant stream;
5. The Applicant must not owe any reports or money to Council as a result of previous funding or grants.
6. The Applicant must not have received funding from the Rosny Farm Arts Centre annual Exhibition Program for the grant activity.
7. The applicant/s must have appropriate insurance coverage and have relevant workplace health and safety and risk management policies.
8. The Applicant is over 18 years old.
9. The Applicant is not:
a) a government agency or department of Local Government;
b) State or Federal levels of Government;
c) an organisation with gaming machines;
d) a political party or an organisation whose core purpose is political lobbying, including the lobbying of councillors;
e) a current council employee and/or councillor (this does not preclude irregular casual council employees whose work does not conflict with the grant activity or committees or organisations that councillors or staff participate on. All applications which involve council employees or councillors in any capacity must be declared as part of the grant application and will be subject to an eligibility conflict assessment by Council).
If you have any questions in relation to eligibility please contact grants@ccc.tas.gov.au before applying.